God’s Word speaks the eternal truth. We won’t find truth apart from His Word!
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you forsaken.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Eat more red peppers.

Eat less red meat.

Eat more dark chocolate.

Eat less char-broiled food.

Exercise, exercise, exercise.

Eat more cooked tomato products

Limit deep fried foods as much as possible.
Pray, then pray some more!

Genesis thru Revelation. God’s Word stays relevant today and forever !!

If it is Truth, It can’t be Fake news! Jesus said, ” I am the Truth…”

One in four Americans (with or without cancer) is prepared to retire. The rest have failed to plan, or their plan has failed.

Dollar cost averaging doesn’t fear a down market but benefits from it.

The lower a mutual fund’s net expenses, the higher its return will be. Look for low-expense mutual funds at 1% or less.

In real estate, it’s all about location, location, location. With mutual fund investing it is all about diversification.

Investor Warren Buffet advises: best investment is an S&P 500 index fund.

Here are some mutual fund families that allow you to invest as little as $5.00 per month into their individual funds: Vanguard, Putnum, Fidelity, Homestead and MFS. A minimum investment may be required.
Here is another financial word of advice from someone who knows how to watch the bottom line: Why buy a costly new car every 4 years when your local Ziebart dealer can make your current “ride” look brand new, every year of its life, when you use their reasonably priced services.
For those of you who are fast food junkies, your local Taco Bell offers a menu that is prostate health friendly.
Prostate cancer is the most common form of male cancer in the United States. Currently, In the U.S. there are more than 2 million prostate cancer survivors.
Being a cancer survivor is like being a mutual fund: we are both watched for positive results over three to five years.
Sun Tzu’s The Art Of War gives us strategies to fight cancer as our enemy. If you look for it, you will find them there.
However, the bottom line to victory in this our war is in the Word of God, 1 Samuel 17:47, “the battle is the Lord’s”.
Trivial Fact: Prostate cancer is the second leading cancer in males over 50. Lung cancer is number one.
Here’s a great website to go to that I use myself. It is www.prostatediaries.com. If you have ever questioned what famous men were diagnosed with prostate cancer you will find your answer here. Dr. John C. McHugh, a urologist who himself was diagnosed with prostate cancer, gives us a very thorough list with many familiar names. Check it out. You’d be surprised to learn who was diagnosed with this cancer and the outcome of it.
Better than a 5 star rated mutual fund or having your PSA number be normal, is living with the promise of eternal life that Jesus Christ made to all who believe in Him. It’s all part of being a bottom line watcher!!!
I am a firm believer that PSA scores are an accurate way of tracking evidence of prostate cancer.
Tracking Doug’s PSA Scores from 2008 to present:
- 2008- PSA level average 6
- 2009- PSA level average 8
- 2010- PSA level average 10.5
- 2011- PSA level 13
After the radiation treatment, my PSA level had been reduced to 4.2. Over the past 6 years, the PSA number has continued to show a downward slope until it reached a leveling off around 1.0.
As of September 2016, my PSA number is 1.01. One of those bottom lines that always requires watching. Unfortunately, it is not one of those things I could, as I used to say living in Brooklyn, just “forget about it”.
I am so grateful to God that He put it in me to decide the route of radiation. So far it has allowed me to live a somewhat normal life.
Suggested Reading
Dr. Peter Scardino’s Prostate Book c. 2010
The Spectrum by Dean Ornish, M.D. c. 2007
Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers by Mark Scholz, M.D. and Ralph Blum c. 2010
The Shootist by Glendon Swarthout, c. 1975
A Private Battle by Cornelius Ryan and K.M. Ryan, c.1979
Watcher’s Message Board
Our book White Wool, Black Wool: A Sheared Collection eighty-eight poems by Petar Kostadinov and D.W. Allen is now available at Amazon.com.
The Diagnosis
Was it the red meat eaten every day?
Or lack of exercise I excused away?
Eating more vegetables could have helped the score
Maybe fruit as dessert should have been more.
Where were the water and all the green tea?
While thirst quenched, by gallons of soda satisfying me.
What can I now say to being told “Lose the weight”?
Cancer touched my prostate to soon, too late.
Going forward things will never be the same.
Except this certainty, I’ll still call on His name.
D.W. Allen
from the book White Wool, Black Wool: A Sheared Collection
by Petar Kostadinov and D.W. Allen
Bob’s Financial Topics selected for bottomlinewatchers website.
Disclaimer: bottomlinewatchers is not a legal source to be used for medical or financial counsel or advice. All information provided unless specified is based on experience only for the benefit of its viewers. Please consult a professional before making any decisions effecting your health and wealth.